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Medical Dental Care

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Medical Dental Care services in Austin, Tx

The mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body

Beyond keeping your teeth white and healthy, consider a combined medical and dental concierge membership at ATX Wellness Co. The highest quality care requires collaboration among professionals from different specialities. In Austin, Texas, Jasneet Riar, MD and Dr. Kirpal Toor offer a medical-dental integrated care that promotes comprehensive preventive dental care, alongside specialized primary care to provide total body care. By prioritizing your oral health, you can decrease your risk for chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Call ATX Wellness Co. to learn more about the benefits of a concierge membership, or schedule an appointment online today.

"Nothing in science- nothing in life for that matter- makes sense without theory. It is our nature to put all knowledge into context in order to tell a story and to re-create the world by this means." - E.O Wilson

Why is medical dental care important?

Professional integrated medical dental care breaks down the silos and enhances a regular dental cleaning and primary care visit to provide patient-centered total body care. Your mouth provides many clues to oral-systemic disease. 

Our approach is anchored in education, establishing a baseline of current disease burden, exploring root causes and optimizing goals to prioritize prevention. 


What dental care services are available through membership?

ATX Wellness Co. in collaboration with Lake Travis Dentistry offers a comprehensive and integrated membership plan. By paying a small monthly or annual fee, you have access to the following:

-Dental exams and cleanings

As part of your membership, you get two preventive dental exams and cleanings per year with a full set of Xrays. These dental cleaning are in absence of periodontal disease. To maintain your teeth and gums, schedule an exam and cleaning every six months.

-Emergency exams

Emergency exams are available on request, and your membership includes one per year. You should come in for an emergency exam if you break a tooth or are experiencing severe tooth pain. 

-Teeth whitening

Every concierge membership includes one teeth-whitening pen to remove or lighten stains and discoloration. 

-Laser gum therapy

Laser gum therapy is one of the tools to help you improve your oral health. This is an adjunct treatment to remove diseased or damaged tissue from around the gums without use of sutures or scalpels. It is a precise, painless, less-invasive procedure that provides many benefits including faster healing, reduced risk of bleeding and treating gum disease. For our mothers-to-be, this treatment significantly reduces pregnancy induced gingivitis. 


Why is gum disease important and how can it affect my health?

A recent CDC report reported that 47.2% of adults aged 30 years or older have some form of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease are mainly the result of infections and inflammation of the gums and bone that surround and support the teeth. Gum disease can range from bad breath, pain while eating, red gums prone to bleeding, gums pulling away from tooth and ultimately bone loss, tooth loss and uncontrolled bacteria that is associated with increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular and Alzheimer's disease, erectile dysfunction in men, low birth weight/ preterm delivery in pregnant women and more.

How to prevent Periodontal Disease:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice daily
  • Floss between your teeth daily
  • Keep up with preventive dental care
  • Avoid smoking
  • Avoid or limit sugary snacks and drinks

If you have gum disease or a history of cavities, Dr. Riar might recommend more frequent checkups.

Schedule your next appointment for medical dental care online or over the phone at ATX Wellness Co. today.